Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Short and Short Handed: Hurricanes Run Out of Gas Against Panthers, 34-22

 Saturday, January 22nd – the day began on a groggy note, with a late week, unexpected schedule change from the much anticipated 9:00am start time VS Team 6, to an 8:00am start time VS the Team 3 Panthers.
Patrick fires off a jumper from 3 point land.  (Left) Michael, (Right) Jordan
(Photo courtesy of Dan and Vicki Gonazales)
 By the time the starting whistle blew, Coach Quentin had managed to rustle up six players, enough to start the game, but in the absence of team center (Carlos) and power forward (Michael), the team was left with 5’6” in the middle, so it would be a short and short handed effort, and difficult to maintain a strong tempo and muscle up on the Panthers’ 5’10” front line.  The team would be forced to play a perimeter, small ball game, and attempt to slow down the tempo to conserve energy.

Despite the lopsided odds against them, the Hurricanes put forth a valiant effort which competitively carried them through three exhausting quarters play, characterized by a faster than desirable pace, a lot of hustle on both ends of the court, and unfortunately, a cold shooting streak (only 18% from the floor).

 With the arrival of Carlos, Daniel, and Chris in time for fourth quarter play, the team aspired to come from 5 points down to overtake the Panthers and pull off an upset victory.  But a combination of exhausted players from the first three quarters, and players who had no time to warm up for the fourth quarter, fatigue set in and the Hurricanes ran out of gas, eventually falling to a deceptive score of 34-22.

Michael hits for two points.  (Right) Chandler
(Photo courtesy of Dan and Vicki Gonzales)

Even in the face of a heart-breaking defeat, however, the Hurricanes slugged it out admirably, and never gave up.  Coach Quentin saw many improvements from game one to game two, and found many take-aways to be pleased about from a coaching perspective:

1) Jordan and Nick both proved they possess enough confidence to score points under pressure.
2) The 5’6” height of Nick, Conrad, and Patrick was barely a deterrent, as the three showed no fear in attacking the paint and defending the bigger opponents.
3) There were bright glimmers of hope: During their perimeter play, Allen, Patrick, Conrad and Chandler seemed to have no problem find a passing lane to open teammates in the paint.
4) The players played with more heart in game two than in game one. They stepped up their game.
5) There were fewer turnovers in game two, signaling an improvement in the passing game and in protecting the ball.
6) It may have been chalked up in the loss column, but what the team gained was the experience to play under adversity and pressure.
7) Hurricane players continue to display outstanding effort, sportsmanship and attitudes.
There is no doubt in the mind of the coaches that with the presence of a full line-up, the game would have gone into the win column for the Hurricanes.  But give the Panthers credit where it’s due for a well played game and a hard earned win. 

Conrad pulls up for a 15'ft jump shot.  (Left) Nick, (Center) Patrick, (Right) Chandler
(Photo courtesy of Dan and Vicki Gonzales)

The Hurricanes will have another shot at the Panthers in week six. Meanwhile...

Bring on Team 5 on Saturday, Januar 29th at 9:00AM!!

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