Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Pre-game oath
  Saturday, March 5th - - Even the toughest of Hurricanes can fizzle out once they hit dry land. Despite a thorough game preparation and their typical, scrappy defensive play, the shots just did not drop in for the Hurricanes on the offensive end of the floor in their season finale against the Green team.

Allen:"Look at what I can do"
As Coach Chris would later comment after the game: “The basketball gods were just not on our side today.”

Sometimes a team can do many things right, and still – if the ball doesn't drop in the bucket, the victory will go to the opponent.
The Hurricanes started out freezing cold in the first quarter, on 1 for 17 (just under 6% shooting) from the floor. They were getting good looks at the basket, but the shots would not go in. The first quarter ended in a 10-to-2 deficit.

The Hurricanes appeared to wake up in the second quarter, scoring 7 points, while holding the Greens to only 5 points, to enter into half-time with a score of 15 to 9; only three baskets down.

The third quarter, however, mimicked the first...and the Hurricanes slipped back into their shooting slump, managing only three points for the quarter, all of which came from free throw shots by Allen. Meanwhile, the five inch and 60 pound difference at the center position began to take its toll, as the Green team's center went on a 10 point binge, to carry the Greens to a third quarter lead of 25-to-12.

The fourth quarter demonstrated that even under the toughest circumstances, the Hurricanes have heart, and persistence. Rather than hang their heads in defeat, the pulled together and went on a rampage, outscoring their much larger opponent 13-to-7.

Hurricanes in transition on the attack
The Greens boast the biggest center in the league – the Shaquille O'Neal of the 14U division. Yet he made only 25% of his shots in the final game, which indicates that Hurricane centers Carlos and Michael made him work much harder to acquire his 16 points than in the previous match-up between these two teams. Four of his points came from left side (weak side) spin moves, which is not his forte' nor his preference; and another four of his points came from free throws.

Jordan: 3 rebounds, 2 steals
The Green's traditional leading scorer and superstar redhead (#3) was both visibly and audibly frustrated by the Hurricanes quick and swarming defense on numerous occasions. He also had great difficulty defending against the incessant movement and quickness of the Hurricanes forwards and guards, which was evident in his four fouls.

With their main weapons either slowed down or taken out of commission, the Greens found an unlikely hero in their meek, frail looking back-up guard (#1), who tossed in two unexpected 3-pointers and an additional 2-point shot, to finish the game with 8 points.

Offense was a struggle for the Hurricanes all game long, they owned the defensive realm. Long priding themselves on their incredible defensive efforts, the Hurricanes once again put on a show against a gargantuan opponent whose roster sported a 6'2” giant in the middle and two additional six footers. Given their far superior height and bulk, the Greens (aka Jolly Green Giants) “should have” dominated the boards and both sides of the floor easily...but apparently someone forgot to inform them of that fact, or someone forgot to notify the Hurricanes. As a result, the Hurricanes finished the game with 37 rebounds, 17 steals, and 6 blocked shots. Although it would not be enough to claim the victory, it definitely was more than sufficient to send a message.

While the Hurricanes did not take the game, they did win the last quarter of the last game of their season. They went out in style to finish third in the YMCA 14U division standings, with an overall regular season record of 4 wins, 3 losses.

This season the Hurricanes team returned only three players from the previous season. Nine of the players had never played together before, and two or three of them had never played on a team before. In the first practice, they all looked rusty and most of them looked uncoordinated. The season started out with 1 pre-season and two regular season losses, as the players struggled to discover their roles, learn the game, get into the flow, and come together as a team..

That same, initially clumsy group of young gentlemen suddenly “gelled” in the third game of the regular season, and went on a four game winning spree, culminating in the dethroning of the previously undefeated Panther team, in what would be the most exciting underdog victory game of the whole season for the whole league.

This is a season in which the true victory is not found in the final standings, but in the phenomenal individual and team progress from beginning to end.

A huge CONGRATULATIONS, KUDOS, and THANK YOU to the players for their hard work, great sportsmanship, teamwork, and persistence, which combined to make this a fantastic, exciting and memorable season for the team, the coaches, and the audiences.

The same CONGRATULATION, KUDOS, and THANK YOU to Coach Chris and Coach Quentin for their dedication, hard work, enthusiasm and motivation, which will leave a big imprint and influence on these kids for years to come.

And finally a huge THANK YOU to all of the parents, for allowing your kids to play on the Hurricanes team this season, and for taking the time to support them at the practices and games.

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